Our Mission Statement
Huda School and Montessori is a non-profit full-time independent institution dedicated to excellence in education. In conjunction with fulfilling the requirements of the state curriculum, the school provides an Islamic educational environment to develop a mature Islamic personality by studying the basic principles and teachings of Islam as reflected in the Quran and Sunnah. A special focus is given to the Arabic language since it is the language of the Holy Quran and Hadith as well as the language of Paradise.
The ultimate goal of the school is to help students grow academically, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and above all Islamically. The mission of Huda School is to inspire academic excellence, develop caring and responsible Muslim American Citizens, and cultivate intercultural understanding and respect.
Our vision: Create a community of learners, leaders and high achievers who will serve our communities for the love of Allah (SWT).
A Special Message from Dr. Helmy

Dear Huda School Family,
Asalamu alaikum,
On behalf of the Huda School staff, I warmly welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. We eagerly await the arrival of your children and look forward to a productive and successful year, inshaaAllah.
For parents and students new to our school, I extend a special welcome to the Huda School family. We are thrilled you have joined us and look forward to getting to know you and your children well.
Our teachers and staff are collaborative, driven educators committed to helping students reach their full potential. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you to ensure high student achievement in an Islamic environment grounded in our shared love of our faith.
As we reflect on Huda School's great accomplishments over the years, we are proud that our students' academic performance continues to soar. From our rigorous preschool-5th grade curriculum to our intensive International Baccalaureate and college prep programs for 6th-12th grades, our students are challenged to excel.
Our ultimate goal is to provide the best possible educational experience rooted in Islamic principles. Our esteemed, skilled teachers guide students on a path that equips them with the knowledge and skills to thrive as Muslim Americans. I invite you to visit and see the world of potential Huda School can open for your child.
Dr. Mona Helmy
Huda Lower and Upper School Principal